Can iodine make hypothyroidism worse?

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In fact, for some people with an underactive thyroid, too much iodine can cause or worsen their condition. Hypothyroidism can be safely and effectively treated with a drug — the synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine (Synthroid, Levoxyl, others).

Does iodine worsen hypothyroidism?

Iodine: Yes. Avoid it as a supplement whether you have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. The effect of iodine supplements can vary by person, causing the thyroid to produce either too much or too little hormone.

Can too much iodine cause hypothyroidism?

Iodine is essential for thyroid hormone synthesis. High iodine intakes are well tolerated by most healthy individuals, but in some people, excess iodine intakes may precipitate hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, goiter, and/or thyroid autoimmunity.

Can iodine make hyperthyroidism worse?

Too much iodine can make hyperthyroidism worse by leading the thyroid gland to produce too much thyroid hormone. A person with hyperthyroidism should avoid eating excessive amounts of iodine-rich foods, such as: iodized salt. fish and shellfish.

How does iodine affect hypothyroidism?

Since iodine is used to make thyroid hormones, an iodine deficiency can cause your thyroid hormone levels to plummet. Given that thyroid hormones help control the speed of your metabolism, low thyroid hormone levels may cause it to slow down.

Will increasing iodine help hypothyroidism?

If the underactive thyroid isn't caused by iodine deficiency, then iodine supplements give no benefit and shouldn't be taken. In fact, for some people with an underactive thyroid, too much iodine can cause or worsen their condition.

Can you treat hypothyroidism with iodine?

You usually don't need iodine supplements if you live in the United States or most developed countries. Some alternative medicine specialists suggest iodine tablets or kelp supplements — which are high in iodine — for hypothyroidism.

Should I take iodine if I have hypothyroidism?

If the underactive thyroid isn't caused by iodine deficiency, then iodine supplements give no benefit and shouldn't be taken. In fact, for some people with an underactive thyroid, too much iodine can cause or worsen their condition.

Can too much iodine cause high TSH levels?

When iodine supplementation first begins, it's not uncommon for TSH levels to rise. This is the body's response to an increased supply of iodine – it increases TSH in order to stimulate more NIS transporters, which are plasma membrane glycoproteins that mediate the uptake of iodine into the thyroid.

What supplements should I avoid with hypothyroidism?

According to the Mayo Clinic, supplements such as calcium, iron, multivitamins containing iron, and antacids containing magnesium or aluminum can potentially have interactions with thyroid medications. They should be taken several hours before or after your thyroid medication to avoid an interaction.

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