Can you get hurt fencing?

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Fencing is an Olympic sport and is governed locally by the BC Fencing Association. Common injuries include hamstring strains, knee injuries, and ankle injuries. The knee is the most commonly injured body part during fencing, accounting for 20% of all injuries. Sprains are the most common type of knee injury.

Can fencers get hurt?

An incredibly common injury for fencers are strained muscles and ligaments. It's something that can happen in your legs, your back, your arms, your neck – really just about anywhere! That's because you've got muscles all over your body that you're using when you fence.

How can you get injured in fencing?

The most common injury in fencing is an ankle sprain. This can happen if the player falls out of the playing field or steps on the opponent's foot. Muscle injuries can also occur from direct blows or from pulling muscles. Fencers can also get cuts and scrapes from their opponent's weapon.

How lethal is fencing?

No, fencing isn't dangerous. In fact, it's proven to be the 8th safest Olympic sport according to a report from the University of Oslo as we discussed in an earlier blog post! Long answer: Injuries can and do happen, like in any sport.

How do fencers not get hurt?

There are layers upon layers of protection for fencers. Hits from weapons are felt through the protective gear, but they don't necessarily hurt. Epee and foil target with only the tip of the blade, meaning that touches from these weapons puncture forward but are contained to a single spot.

Is fencing safe?

Iris: Fencing is extremely safe. A study of injuries occurring in Olympic competition ranks fencing as having one of the lowest injury rates, making it one of the safest Olympic sports.

Is fencing hard on the knees?

Women are more likely to injure their knees than men. Damaging these joints even once could result in persistent stability issues for fencing. Knee injuries are not limited to high-intensity fencers.

Can you get stabbed in fencing?

Actually, it has happened several times. It often happens when a broken blade has penetrated the equipment. Probably the ugliest death was that of Soviet olympic foil champion Vladimir Smirnov, who was stabbed in the brain. Nowadays, it's very rare for someone to die during fencing.

Has anyone ever been killed fencing?

There are eight total instances of someone dying in modern Olympic-style fencing, which dates back more than one hundred and twenty years. The most well-known is Vladimir Smirnov, who suffered injuries during the 1982 World Championships that later killed him.

Is fencing a high risk sport?

There are myriad of studies you can find on the internet, and all of them depict that fencing is not considered a dangerous, risky or potentially high injury-causing sport. Yes, injuries in fencing happen; however, they are mainly pulled or strained muscles, bruising, or sprains.

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