While the Canadian Balsam used to cement lenses together can yellow, the yellow in Thorium Glass ("Radioactive") lenses is due to chemical changes in the chemicals in the glass itself.…
Are all yellow lenses radioactive?Read MoreThe design of metal-cutting saws lets them either collect or deflect those shards better than a framing circular saw. Finally, but more generally, a traditional wood-cutting circular saw's open housing…
What is different about a metal cutting circular saw?Read MoreDespite being banned under the deal, Iran has produced uranium metal enriched to 20%. This alarms Western powers because making uranium metal is an important step towards producing bombs and…
Can Iran make nuclear weapons?Read MoreAn atom contains equal numbers of protons and electrons . Since protons and electrons have equal and opposite charges , this means that atoms are neutral overall. Do atoms have…
Do atoms have same number of protons and electrons?Read MoreNew findings demonstrate that there are small effects of radiation even at very low doses. A small but statistically significant link between risk of childhood leukemia and the gamma rays…
Are humans exposed to gamma rays?Read More'The world's seventeen largest ships emit more sulphur than the global car fleet. ' 'A seagoing container vessel is just as polluting as up to 50 million cars. ''The world's…
Do boats pollute more than cars?Read MoreHDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) Compared with low-density polyethylene, this material offers better corrosion resistance, a higher working temperature range, and higher tensile strength. It also is lightweight and does not absorb…
Does HDPE absorb water?Read MoreCan a CT scan detect cancer? A CT scan, like any imaging tool, cannot detect cancer, though it may be useful in helping to identify a mass and determine its…
Can you tell if a mass is cancerous from a CT scan?Read MoreNo immediate health effects would be expected in the general public from a nuclear power plant accident. That is because the amount of radiation present would be too small to…
What can happen if a nuclear plant exploded?Read MoreAstronauts go to bed in their "sleep stations," personal sleep compartments the size of a telephone booth, which have: a sleeping bag. a pillow. a lamp.Aug 22, 2019 Can you…
Do astronauts sleep in a bed?Read More