Do I need to keep the desiccant in my pill bottle?

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The desiccant packs are used to keep the tablets moisture-free. Once opened, they might attract moisture and stick together which may alter its molecule or spoil it. You can keep the packs inside, there is no harm in it.Feb 2, 2018

Should I leave the desiccant in the bottle?

United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) regulations,the cotton and desiccant must be discarded , or they will adsorb moisture due to become a major source of pollution within the bottles of medicine, but easy to make drugs wet deterioration.

Should you remove desiccant packs?

Usually, we throw them out. Silicon dioxide dries out anything around them. Non-toxic, not poisonous, they do pose a choking hazard. Keep them away from children.

Should I remove silica gel medicine?

If you're concerned about accidentally swallowing the desiccant in your container, ask your pharmacist before removing it, especially if it's a container with several months supply of capsules that you'll have for a while. Throwing out the desiccant could, over time, compromise the quality of the drug.

How do you keep moisture out of a pill bottle?

What is a desiccant? Desiccant means drying agent, and the reason they are in your pill bottles and other such products are to prevent things like clumping, moisture-causing damage, and breeding grounds for mold or mildew. They're incredibly effective and most can last between 1-3 years.

How do you keep pills dry?

Store your medicines in a cool, dry place. For example, store it in your dresser drawer or a kitchen cabinet away from the stove, sink, and any hot appliances. You can also store medicine in a storage box, on a shelf, in a closet. If you are like most people, you probably store your medicine in a bathroom cabinet.

What is the plastic thing in pill bottles?

When you open the bottles, aside from the pills, you find a small silica gel desiccant packet. Silica gel desiccant packs remove water vapor (absorb moisture) inside the bottle, which protects the pills from moisture damage.

How long do desiccant packs last?

The life of these bags depends on the environment that they are exposed to, but most desiccant bags last between 1 and 3 years. When silica gel absorbs moisture, it goes from being in an active state to an inactive state. When this happens, it just needs to be reactivated so that it can be used again.

What do desiccants do?

Desiccants are commonly used to keep products dry and stable. Dry desiccants can absorb moisture from air either by physical adsorption or by chemical reaction, and thus reduce the humidity in the headspace of sealed containers.

Can you mix pills in a container?

For your own safety, store medications only in their original containers. As tempting as it may be to transfer a few pills from a large bottle into a smaller container, don't — even if it's another bottle that has the same prescription label.

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