How does radiation affect non living things?

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Long-term or high-dose exposure to radiation can harm both living and nonliving things. Radiation knocks electrons out of atoms and changes them to ions. It also breaks bonds in DNA and other compounds in living things. One source of radiation that is especially dangerous to people is radon.Jul 3, 2019

How does radiation affect inanimate objects?

When such radiation impinges on a person or an object it may interact and deposit some or all of its energy in the person or object, but this energy is dissipated in the form of very small amounts of heat or excitation of atoms and molecules with no induced radioactivity.

What does radiation do to objects?

The main effect radiation has on matter is its ability to ionize atoms to become ions, a phenomenon known as ionization, which is very similar to the photoelectric effect. Radioactive particles or electromagnetic waves with sufficient energy collide with electrons on the atom to knock electrons off the atom.

How does radiation affect the environment?

Plants and animals within the affected area take up radioactive particles, and these move through the ecosystem through bioaccumulation. Radiation pollution within waterways also accumulates within fish and other aquatic organisms, and runoff from radiation within the soil provides additional contamination.

How does radiation affect wildlife?

Radiation exposure has caused genetic damage and increased mutation rates in many organisms in the Chernobyl region. So far, we have found little convincing evidence that many organisms there are evolving to become more resistant to radiation.

Does radiation make things radioactive?

Exposure to radiation does not immediately make a person radioactive. The only type of radiation that is capable of directly causing other material to become radioactive is neutron radiation, which is generally only found inside nuclear reactors or in a nuclear detonation.

Why do things stay radioactive?

What causes atoms to be radioactive? Atoms found in nature are either stable or unstable. An atom is stable if the forces among the particles that makeup the nucleus are balanced. An atom is unstable (radioactive) if these forces are unbalanced; if the nucleus has an excess of internal energy.

What are the effects of radiation to human?

Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as being close to an atomic blast, can cause acute health effects such as skin burns and acute radiation syndrome (“radiation sickness"). It can also result in long-term health effects such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Is radiation good for the environment?

Based on the information and case studies presented in this report, we can conclude that nuclear power and radiation can be both beneficial and harmful to humans and the environment. Nuclear energy is dangerous and unstable and may result in great damage to the environment if something goes wrong.

How is radiation used to help the environment?

Similarly, radiation is used to help remove toxic pollutants, such as exhaust gases from coal-fired power stations and industry. For example, electron beam radiation can remove dangerous sulphur dioxides and nitrogen oxides from our environment.

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