How does radiation make things radioactive?

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Radioactive Decay As previously indicated, large unstable atoms become more stable by emitting radiation to get rid of excess atomic energy (radioactivity). This radiation can be emitted in the form of positively charged alpha particles, negatively charged beta particles, gamma rays, or x-rays, as explained below. As previously indicated, large unstable atoms become more stable by emitting radiation to get rid of excess atomic energy (radioactivity). This radiation can be emitted in the form of positively charged alpha particles, negatively charged beta particles, gamma rays, or x-rays, as explained below.

How does radiation make other things radioactive?

Exposure to radiation does not immediately make a person radioactive. The only type of radiation that is capable of directly causing other material to become radioactive is neutron radiation, which is generally only found inside nuclear reactors or in a nuclear detonation.

Does radiation cause radioactivity?

For most radiations that people, especially laypeople, encounter, which would include x rays, gamma radiation, beta particles, and alpha particles, the exposure of the people or objects to the radiation does not produce any radioactivity within them.

How is radioactivity made?

Radioactive material exists naturally in the Earth (this is partially why the inside of the Earth is warm) and is produced continuously in the atmosphere by cosmic rays. Humans make radioactive material by causing nuclear reactions in nuclear reactors and particle accelerators.

How do they make radioactive material?

Neutron activation is the main form of induced radioactivity. It occurs when an atomic nucleus captures one or more free neutrons. This new, heavier isotope may be either stable or unstable (radioactive), depending on the chemical element involved.

How does radiation affect an object?

The main effect radiation has on matter is its ability to ionize atoms to become ions, a phenomenon known as ionization, which is very similar to the photoelectric effect. Radioactive particles or electromagnetic waves with sufficient energy collide with electrons on the atom to knock electrons off the atom.

Can humans become radioactive?

There are types of radiation where human bodies could retain radioactive particles and remain radioactive over time, but this is not the type that was seen at Chernobyl. After gamma radiation has passed through the body, the person is no longer radioactive and can't expose other people.

Can a human become radioactive?

A person becomes 'radioactive' if dust particles containing various radioisotopes land on the person's skin or garments. This is contamination.

What radiation causes?

Radiation is energy. It can come from unstable atoms that undergo radioactive decay, or it can be produced by machines. Radiation travels from its source in the form of energy waves or energized particles. There are different forms of radiation and they have different properties and effects.

How do you explain radioactive?

Radioactivity is the term used to describe the natural process by which some atoms spontaneously disintegrate, emitting both particles and energy as they transform into different, more stable atoms. This process, also called radioactive decay, occurs because unstable isotopes tend to transform into a more stable state.

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