How serious is a total thyroidectomy?

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Complete thyroidectomy If your entire thyroid is removed, your body can't make thyroid hormone. Without replacement, you'll develop signs and symptoms of underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism).Oct 7, 2020

Is a total thyroidectomy major surgery?

A thyroidectomy is a treatment for a variety of conditions of the thyroid gland. A thyroidectomy is a common but major surgery with serious risks and potential complications.

What is the survival rate of thyroid removal surgery?

The 5- and 10-year overall survival in the patient group with papillary cancer was 97% and 95% respectively, in the group with follicular cancer it was 78% and 50% respectively and in the group with medullary cancer it was 91% and 82% respectively.

Is thyroidectomy a high risk surgery?

Conclusions: TT is associated with a significantly higher risk of complications compared to UT even among high-volume surgeons. Higher surgeon volume is associated with improved patient outcomes.

What are the risks of a total thyroidectomy?

Potential major complications of thyroid surgery include bleeding, injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve (see the first image below), hypoparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxic storm, injury to the superior laryngeal nerve (see the second image below), and infection.

Can you live a normal life after thyroid removal?

Despite its importance, you can live a healthy, normal life without it or with only part of it. But you will need treatment to prevent hypothyroidism—or too little thyroid hormone—which can be serious. To prevent hypothyroidism, you will need to start thyroid hormone replacement.

What is life like after thyroid removal?

You will need to take at least one or two weeks to recover before you return to work and other daily activities. You should not lift any heavy objects for about 2 weeks after your operation to avoid any strain on your neck. Your neck is likely to be swollen and may feel hard and numb right after the surgery.

Does a thyroidectomy shorten your life?

We have also shown that treatment per se (thyroidectomy, high-dose radioactive iodine and thyroid hormone medication) is safe and does not shorten life expectancy. Nonetheless, it remains important to realise that patients with persistent disease have a median standardised survival time of only 60%, independent of age.

Can you live a normal life after thyroidectomy?

Despite its importance, you can live a healthy, normal life without it or with only part of it. But you will need treatment to prevent hypothyroidism—or too little thyroid hormone—which can be serious. To prevent hypothyroidism, you will need to start thyroid hormone replacement.

Does thyroid removal shorten life expectancy?

We have also shown that treatment per se (thyroidectomy, high-dose radioactive iodine and thyroid hormone medication) is safe and does not shorten life expectancy.

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