Is Fukushima back to normal?

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TEN years after Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster, life in the region is finally edging back to normal. Following a colossal campaign to remove contaminated soil and wash down buildings and roads in the area, radiation readings above ground are now stable at safe levels.Mar 10, 2021

Is Fukushima livable again?

These areas still have relatively high radioactivity. The half-life of radiocesium is about 29 years, meaning the quantity of the radioactive material should drop by half by roughly 2041. The leftover radiation from the much larger Chernobyl disaster of 1986 roughly follows that pattern, Johnson says.

Is Fukushima still recovering?

"There has been no recovery. Saying it's under control is a lie," Nobuyoshi Ito said through an interpreter. Ito is a former computer engineer who retired to the village of Iitate, in Fukushima, a year before the disaster. "Iitate had 6,500 people before the accident, but only 1,400 have returned.

How long will it take to decontaminate Fukushima?

30 years It could take 30 years or more to remove the nuclear fuel, dismantle the reactors, and remove all the buildings.

Is Fukushima habitable now?

Ten years after the disaster, life has returned pretty much to normal in many parts of Fukushima Prefecture. In some of the inland cities such as Fukushima city or Koriyama, there are few if any visible signs that the nuclear accident ever occurred.

Is Fukushima still leaking 2021?

The radiation levels offshore of Fukushima have dropped in the years since, but some of the reactors there are still leaking. And over the last decade, TEPCO has continued to cool the fuel cores with water, which is contaminated by the process.

Is Fukushima still radioactive 2022?

Japan's industry ministry and the IAEA have agreed to compile an interim report on the water discharge plan in 2022. Officials say it is now safe to live in most areas around the plant except for its immediate surroundings after extensive decontamination work.

Has Japan rebuilt after tsunami?

Much of Japan's northeastern coastline hit by the tsunami has been fortified with enormous concrete seawalls as high as 15 meters (50 feet). All of the walls have been completed except for sections of the eastern coast of Fukushima. When completed, the total length will be 432 kilometers (270 miles).

Is Tōhoku still recovering?

Just last year, the last of the damaged train stations was reopened for operation, completing Tohoku's reconnection with the rest of Japan. Looking ahead to the Tokyo 2020 Games and the end of the pandemic, Tohoku is ready to welcome the world back.

Is radioactive water still leaking from Fukushima?

The radiation levels offshore of Fukushima have dropped in the years since, but some of the reactors there are still leaking. And over the last decade, TEPCO has continued to cool the fuel cores with water, which is contaminated by the process.

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