Is getting deferred from MIT a polite rejection?

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Is deferral a polite rejection?

Deferral means that you are neither in nor out, but the university will review your application along with the pool of regular applicants. So don't lose hope just as yet, this is not a rejection!

Is being deferred from MIT good?

A deferral means you still have a chance of getting in and your early application has been turned into a regular decision application. For many students, it can be an advantage to be put in the pool of regular decision applicants, especially if they are a strong candidate.

What percent of deferred MIT applicants get accepted?

Once I got to MIT, I met more people who were deferred. Even though there were 10,673 applicants who were deferred, only 194 were accepted. That's 1.8%.

What does it mean if you get deferred from MIT?

We make decisions as a group in committees, so no single person in our office will know why an individual applicant was deferred. We know that the ambiguity is difficult and frustrating, but if you were deferred it means that you were and still are considered a competitive applicant.

Is rejection worse than deferral?

Dealing with Deferral One step better than a rejection is a deferral. Students should think of deferral as a 'maybe'. Sometimes early admission college applicants are neither accepted nor rejected. Instead, the applicants are held until the general application deadline has passed.

Is it better to be deferred or waitlisted?

If Waitlisted In general, you can assume that your odds are better if you've been deferred rather than waitlisted. Deferred students are reconsidered during the regular decision round and should have about the same chance as other regular decision applicants.

Is it better to be waitlisted or deferred?

In general, you can assume that your odds are better if you've been deferred rather than waitlisted. Deferred students are reconsidered during the regular decision round and should have about the same chance as other regular decision applicants.

How many people did MIT defer 2026?

9,489 applicants 9,489 applicants (64.2%) were deferred to be “reconsidered without prejudice in Regular Action,” and 3,959 applicants (26.8%) were not offered admission. The remaining applicants either withdrew from the process or switched to Regular Action. Peterson wrote that it's an “honor and a privilege” to read the applications.

How many people are waitlisted from MIT?

At Middlebury, the number of waitlist outcomes was higher, at 1338, while the number of waitlisted students who were admitted was lower, coming in at just 104….Waitlist Statistics.

SchoolWaitlist Admission RateOverall Admission Rate

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