What are 5 examples of sublimation?

0ff 501 e76 43b d6f bf7 a76 f90 097 c0d 0ed 358 b0d fda 111 1f3 cdd 315 5b9 2a9 9a8 3f9 4a6 61f d73 6d7 25f 442 24a b23 905 000 f1b b64 067 a4e 6f8 4db a95 ba3 b12 4d6 4d6 a5d a26 b87 101 8d1 738 1f9 f0d 920 419 19e 4a2 8f2 307 210 d58 44b b0c 58d 457 970 6a7 ac9 6d7 744 5fb 92f fc5 551 4ae f0f f11 15b aa7 643 e23 231 35f 041 686 add 136 8c0 dc0 2f4 7f4 2f6 e62 0c1 84c b1d fd9 d70 08c 14f 627 3bf

What are 10 examples of sublimation?

Ten examples of sublimation:

  • Dry ice sublimes.
  • Snow and ice sublime during winter season without melting.
  • Moth balls sublime.
  • Room fresheners which are used in toilets sublimes.
  • Frozen foods will sublime and you will find ice crystals inside of the box.
  • Iodine, at 100 degree C sublimes from solid to toxic purple gas.

What are 2 examples of sublimation?

Sublimation Examples

  • "Dry ice" or solid carbon dioxide sublimes.
  • Snow and ice can sublime in the winter months without melting.
  • Moth balls sublime.
  • Frozen foods will sublime and you will find ice crystals inside of the box or bag.

What is sublimation give five examples?

Examples for sublimation process Frozen foods are sublime, and inside the package you'll find ice crystals. Room fresheners, that are found in toilets sublime. Moth balls sublime. Dry ice sublimes.

What is sublimation give four examples?

Sublimation is the process due to which a solid directly changes to gaseous state and on cooling directly changes back to solid state without changing into liquid state. For example; iodine, ammonium chloride,naphthalene,arsenic. acobdarfq and 43 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 26.

What are 3 example of sublimation?

The following are examples of sublimation:

  • Dry ice is the solid form of Carbon Dioxide. …
  • Ice crystals inside boxes of frozen foods: Frozen foods sublime and results in formation of ice crystals inside the box or packet.

What are 5 examples of deposition?

Depositional landforms are the visible evidence of processes that have deposited sediments or rocks after they were transported by flowing ice or water, wind or gravity. Examples include beaches, deltas, glacial moraines, sand dunes and salt domes.

What is sublimation give examples Class 9?

Sublimation. Sublimation. The phenomenon of change of solid directly to gas or conversion of gas directly to liquid without changing into liquid state is called sublimation. For instance, camphor also called capoor when kept for a long time vanishes. This is due to the sublimation of camphor.

What are 3 examples of sublimation?

Examples of Sublimation

  • Dry ice. Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) can be liquefied first and then frozen, to make dry ice. …
  • Polar evaporation. …
  • Snow in the mountains. …
  • The disappearance of naphthalene. …
  • Arsenic treatment. …
  • Iodine treatment. …
  • Frost formation. …
  • Planetary accretion.

What is an example of sublimation and deposition?

This change from a solid to a gas is called sublimation. The reverse process of a gas going to a solid is known as deposition. As an example, solid carbon dioxide (dry ice) will sublimate to produce gaseous carbon dioxide at room temperature.

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