What are radiation characteristics?

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Characteristic radiation is a type of energy emission relevant for X-ray production.Characteristic radiation is a type of energy emission relevant for X-ray production.25-Oct-2013

What are the 3 characteristics of radiation?

Radiation is energy, in the form of particles or electromagnetic rays, released from radioactive atoms. The three most common types of radiation are alpha particles, beta particles, and gamma rays. Alpha radiation is not able to penetrate skin.

Why is characteristic radiation called characteristic?

Characteristic photons are so called because their energy is “characteristic” or dependent on the difference in binding energy between the shells involved. The electron shells of each element have specific binding energies.

How does characteristic radiation occur?

Characteristic radiation occurs when an electron from the filament displaces an electron from an inner-shell of the tungsten target atom, thereby ionizing the atom. When this happens, another electron in an outer-shell of the tungsten atom is quickly attracted into the void in the deficient inner-shell.

What is characteristic radiation quizlet?

Characteristic x-rays are emitted when an outer-shell electron. fills an inner-shell void. how are characteristic x-rays are produced? When the cathode electron ionizes a target atom by removing a K-shell electron, a temporary electron void is produced in the K shell.

What are the characteristics of photons?

The basic properties of photons are:

  • They have zero mass and rest energy. …
  • They are elementary particles despite lacking rest mass.
  • They have no electric charge.
  • They are stable.
  • They are spin-1 particles which makes them bosons.
  • They carry energy and momentum which are dependent on the frequency.


What are characteristics of thermal radiation?

In contrast to conduction and convection, thermal radiation has two unique properties: (1) it does not require a medium to be transferred but being electromagnetic energy can interact with intervening materials; and (2) during the emission/absorption of radiation, there is transfer between electromagnetic energy and …

What is a characteristic spectrum?

The characteristic emission spectrum for a given element is the set of all the possible x-ray transition lines. Lines that correspond to different transitions from initial states having a vacancy in the same layer constitute a spectral series, for example, K- , L-, M-series, etc.

What is the difference between bremsstrahlung and characteristic radiation?

The two unique mechanisms by which x-rays are produced are called the bremsstrahlung and characteristic processes. Bremsstrahlung x-rays produce a continuous x-ray spectrum, whereas characteristic x-rays are produced at specific narrow bands of energies.

What is the difference between General bremsstrahlung and characteristic radiation?

Characteristic radiation produces a line spectrum with several discrete energies, whereas Bremsstrahlung produces a continuous spectrum of photon energies over a specific range.

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