What does Florence believe about sin?

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Florence says it is God who has sinned against him. Everyone is horrified at this blasphemy. Florence explains that God sinned against him when he took away his mother and father when he most needed them and made his sisters whores. They have all been punished without just cause.

Why does Florence say he has never sinned?

When the children try to force Florence to play along, Florence states that he has no sins because God has sinned against him. The children shrink in horror and suggest beating, stoning, or killing him for his blasphemy. Antonio shouts that he absolves Florence of all his sins.

What does Florence represent in Bless Me Ultima?

One of Antonio's friends from town, a blond boy who doesn't believe in God. Florence perceptively points out the flaws in Catholic doctrine, and is bitter against God (or the lack thereof) for his harsh life and the evils of the world. He drowns before Antonio can show him the golden carp.

Does Florence believe in God?

Although he doesn't believe in God, Florence attends the catechism lessons because he wants to be with his friends. Florence's mother died when he was three, and his father slowly killed himself with drink.

What does Antonio Learn from Florence?

Antonio's discussion with Florence makes him aware of the rational limitations of Catholicism. He realizes that he may share in Original Sin by virtue of his desire for more knowledge. Antonio is moving closer to the realization that he too has his own dark side.

Why does Florence believe God has sinned against him?

Florence explains that God sinned against him when he took away his mother and father when he most needed them and made his sisters whores.

Why does Tony finally beat the vitamin kid?

By Rudolfo Anaya After failing so many times, Antonio beats the Vitamin Kid in a race. Only, there's no joy in it, because the Kid didn't even run. Instead, he walked slowly across the bridge with a girl named Ida. Meanwhile, Tenorio's footprints have been found near the house.

How does Florence drown?

They decide that it's time to tell Florence about the golden carp. They arrive at the water where the children swim to find Florence, but the kids are yelling about something being wrong. Florence dived underwater, and he's been down too long. Cico dives down into the water and pulls up poor Florence's drowned body.

What are Lupitos last words?

As he crawled out the river and the life left his blood stained body Lupito uttered his two last words to Antonio “Bless Me”.

How did Florence drown?

They arrive at the water where the children swim to find Florence, but the kids are yelling about something being wrong. Florence dived underwater, and he's been down too long. Cico dives down into the water and pulls up poor Florence's drowned body. This is the third death that Antonio has witnessed in person.

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