What happened to the alpha particles when they hit the gold foil?

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Answer. The small alpha particles gets deflected by the larger angles after hitting gold foil .Nov 3, 2020

What happens when alpha particles hit the gold foil?

Q: What would you expect to happen when the alpha particles strike the gold foil? A: The alpha particles would penetrate the gold foil. Alpha particles are positive, so they might be repelled by any areas of positive charge inside the gold atoms.

What happened when the alpha particles were bombarded shot at the gold foil?

The alpha particles that were fired at the gold foil were positively charged. Most of the time, the alpha particles would pass through the foil without any change in their trajectories, which is what was expected if JJ Thomson's plum pudding model of the atom was correct.

What happens to the alpha particles as they get close to the gold nucleus?

As the positively charged alpha particle would fly through the foil it would come in proximity with the positively charge nucleus of the atom. This in turn either deflected the particle or adjusted its path.

Why was gold used in the gold foil experiment?

For the scattering experiment, Rutherford wanted a metal sheet which could be as thin as possible. Gold is the most malleable of all known metals. It can easily be converted into very thin sheets. Hence, Rutherford selected a gold foil for his alpha-ray scattering experiment.

What did the gold foil experiment prove?

1 Answer. Rutherford's gold foil experiments (he also used other metal foils) showed that the atom is mostly empty space with a comparatively tiny, massive, positively charged nucleus in the center.

Why did the alpha particles bounce back?

A tiny number of alpha particles, traveling at 10% of the speed of light, hit a dense atomic center right in its middle. The collision and the repulsion cause the alpha particle to "bounce" backwards and move on a very different path. These are the reflected rays.

What did Rutherford conclude from the gold foil experiment?

Rutherford's gold foil experiment showed that the atom is mostly empty space with a tiny, dense, positively-charged nucleus. Based on these results, Rutherford proposed the nuclear model of the atom.

What happens when alpha particles hit electrons?

When triggered: alpha particle entered the boundary of electrons in gold atom. Alpha particle with (+2) energy ionized the atom thus lost energy and slowed down. Being a smart guy, alpha particle took advantage of this and captured two electrons to be a neutral helium atom.

Why is gold foil used in alpha particle scattering?

For the scattering experiment, Rutherford wanted a metal sheet which could be as thin as possible. Gold is the most malleable of all known metals. It can easily be converted into very thin sheets. Hence, Rutherford selected a gold foil for his alpha-ray scattering experiment.

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