What happens if you touch americium?

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Exposure to extremely high levels of americium, as has been reported in some animal studies, has resulted in damage to organs such as the lungs, liver, kidneys, and thyroid. It is rare, however, that a person would be exposed to amounts of americium large enough to cause harmful effects in these organs.

Is americium-241 toxic?

Hazards. Americium-241 has the same general hazards as other americium isotopes: it is both extremely toxic and radioactive. Although α-particles can be stopped by a sheet of paper, there are serious health concerns for ingestion of α-emitters.

What happens if you inhale americium-241?

Americium and Health It poses a more significant risk if ingested (swallowed) or inhaled. Once in the body, it tends to concentrate in the bone, liver, and muscle. Americium can stay in the body for decades and continue to expose the surrounding tissues to radiation, increasing the risk of developing cancer.

Can you buy americium?

Request a Quote for Americium-241 Currently, the NIDC has Am-241 available for purchase with an isotopic purity exceeding 99% and a plutonium content of less than 1%. For further inquiries on Am-241 contact the NIDC at [email protected] or click the link below to request a quote.

How long does the americium last in a smoke detector?

Most detectors are certified for a useful life of ten years.

What can you do with americium?

Americium is commonly used in smoke alarms, but has few other uses. It has the potential to be used in spacecraft batteries in the future. Currently plutonium is used but availability is poor so alternatives are being considered. It is of interest as part of the decay sequence that occurs in nuclear power production.

What does americium look like?

Americium is a silvery-white highly radioactive metal that has a density similar to lead. It tarnishes slowly in dry air at room temperature. Isotope 241Am, the most common isotope, decays to 237Np, emitting alpha and gamma radiation(1).

How radioactive is a smoke detector?

Ionization smoke detectors expose people to a tiny amount of radiation—about 1/100 of a millirem per year. This is well below the background radiation level of about 360 millirems a year. If a smoke detector contains radioactive materials, a printed notice on the packaging will say so.

How do you store americium?

Since americium 241 emits only alpha particles (and a very small amount of low energy gamma), it is safe if kept in the glass bottle, since alpha particles don't penetrate glass.

What can I do with americium?

Americium is commonly used in smoke alarms, but has few other uses. It has the potential to be used in spacecraft batteries in the future. Currently plutonium is used but availability is poor so alternatives are being considered. It is of interest as part of the decay sequence that occurs in nuclear power production.

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