What happens when you move the two flashlights into opposite direction?

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If you generate two light pulses in opposite directions in a vacuum, after one second they will be 599,584,916 meters apart. So from your viewpoint, they are separating at twice the speed of light. But neither pulse is traveling faster than the speed of light, from your viewpoint (or that of any other inertial frame).

Can 2 objects moving away each other speed light?

The relative speed of 2 objects is not itself the speed of a 'thing', therefore the speed of light principle is not violated by saying that 2 photons moving in opposite directions move away from each other at a relative speed of 2C.

How fast do two photons approach each other?

Originally Answered: If two photons approach each other, what is their relative velocity? The relative velocity of photons is zero. The speed of light (the exchange rate) between space and time, has to be set at 1.

Can relative speed be faster than speed of light?

If we transition to general relativity and an expanding universe, then for objects that are separated with a big enough distance, their relative speed can exceed the speed of light in such a way that they can not send signals between each other.

What happens when two bodies move away from one another?

Gravity is universal. This force of gravitational attraction is directly dependent upon the masses of both objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates their centers. This means that as you move away from an object the gravitational force decreases.

What if two objects move towards each other at half the speed of light?

Yes. If both objects were accelerating away from each-other at half the speed of light, then the distance between them will increase at half the speed of light but the speed of their separation will be the speed of light.

Does light move faster in different directions?

Light doesn't have to have a constant speed in all directions, it just has to have a constant “average” round-trip speed. Relativity still holds if the speed of light is anisotropic. If the speed of light varies with its direction of motion, then we would see the universe in a different way.

Can a photon be deflected by a magnetic field?

EXPLANATION: As we know that photons are electrically neutral and are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.

Is time Travelling possible?

In Summary: Yes, time travel is indeed a real thing. But it's not quite what you've probably seen in the movies. Under certain conditions, it is possible to experience time passing at a different rate than 1 second per second.

Is it possible to travel back in time?

Time travel is possible based on the laws of physics, according to new calculations from researchers at the University of Queensland. But time-travelers wouldn't be able to alter the past in a measurable way, they say — the future would stay the same.

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