What is bremsstrahlung process?

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Bremsstrahlung is one of the processes by which cosmic rays dissipate some of their energy in the Earth's atmosphere. Solar X rays have been attributed to bremsstrahlung generated by fast electrons passing through the matter in the part of the Sun's atmosphere called the chromosphere.

What do you mean by bremsstrahlung radiation?

Bremsstrahlung (or “braking radiation”) is the radiation given off by free electrons that are deflected (i.e., accelerated) in the electric fields of charged particles and the nuclei of atoms.

What is the cause of bremsstrahlung radiation?

It is mainly caused by the acceleration and deceleration of charged particles such as atomic nuclei and electrons. If the particles emit bremsstrahlung radiation while being accelerated by an external magnetic field it is also known as synchrotron radiation.

What is the difference between bremsstrahlung and characteristic radiation?

The two unique mechanisms by which x-rays are produced are called the bremsstrahlung and characteristic processes. Bremsstrahlung x-rays produce a continuous x-ray spectrum, whereas characteristic x-rays are produced at specific narrow bands of energies.

How is bremsstrahlung calculated?

Since the EGS4 result is expressed as the dose per photon, the dose rate from Page 4 3 the bremsstrahlung is obtained by multiplying the dose per photon b;y the total number of photons produced per unit time in the insertion device vacuum chamber.

How is bremsstrahlung measured?

The bremsstrahlung spectra were measured with an HPGe (High Purity Germanium) detector. To measure the axial radiation, the HPGe detector was located behind the straight-through port of the 110º analyzing magnet.

What are the critical organs that are sensitive to radiation?

Radiation in high doses can be dangerous no matter what, but some parts of the body are more sensitive than others. The most sensitive parts of the human body are the lymphoid organs, bone marrow, blood, testes, ovaries and intestines, according to the Collaboration for Nondestructive Testing[1].

What is coherent scatter?

Coherent scattering (also known as unmodified, classical or elastic scattering) is one of three forms of photon interaction which occurs when the energy of the x-ray or gamma photon is small in relation to the ionization energy of the atom.

What is the formula for bremsstrahlung interactions?

The intensity of bremsstrahlung radiation is proportional to the square of the atomic number of the target (Z), the number of unit charges of the bombarding particle (z) and inversely with the mass of the bombarding particle (m): Z² z / m.

Can protons produce bremsstrahlung?

The kinematics and the fully relativistic cross section of proton-electron bremsstrahlung in Born approximation is given. The X-ray spectrum produced by protons with a power-law spectrum is calculated for thin and thick targets.

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