What is the difference between the neutrinos?

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A: The main difference is that they interact differently with the three flavors of charged spin 1/2 leptons: electron, muon, and tau. For example a high energy muon-type neutrino can interact with a neutron and produce a proton plus negative muon, but not a proton plus electron.Jun 19, 2011

Whats the difference between a neutrino and an electron neutrino?

Each is paired with the particle it is named for in the sense that it is involved in particle reactions involving only that type of neutrino. The most common type of neutrino is the electron neutrino, which is often just called a neutrino even though it is technically an electron neutrino.

Are neutrinos all the same?

But not all neutrinos are the same. They come in different types and can be thought of in terms of flavors, masses, and energies. Some are antimatter versions. There may even be some yet undiscovered kinds of neutrinos!

What is the 4th neutrino?

For more than two decades, this proposed fourth neutrino, the sterile neutrino, has remained a promising explanation for anomalies seen in earlier physics experiments. Finding a new particle would be a major discovery and a radical shift in our understanding of the universe.

What is the difference between neutron and neutrinos?

Neutrons and neutrinos are two different types of particles. The main difference between neutrons and neutrinos is that neutrons are made of quarks, whereas neutrinos are a type of fundamental particles that are not made of any other particles.

What is the difference between the three neutrinos?

What is the difference between the three nuetrinos? A: The main difference is that they interact differently with the three flavors of charged spin 1/2 leptons: electron, muon, and tau.

What does a neutrino do?

“As neutrinos pass through and interact, they produce charged particles, and the charged particles traveling through the ice give off light,” Conway said. “That's how they're detected. It's like having a telescope for neutrinos underground.”

What are the 3 types of neutrinos?

Perhaps the most important thing to know about neutrinos is that they come in three types, or flavors:

  • electron neutrino (νe)
  • muon neutrino (νμ)
  • tau neutrino (ντ)

Can neutrinos travel faster than light?

Neutrinos are tiny, electrically neutral particles produced in nuclear reactions. Last September, an experiment called OPERA turned up evidence that neutrinos travel faster than the speed of light (see 'Particles break light speed limit').

Do right handed neutrinos exist?

The existence of right-handed neutrinos is theoretically well-motivated, because the known active neutrinos are left-handed and all other known fermions have been observed with both left and right chirality. They could also explain in a natural way the small active neutrino masses inferred from neutrino oscillation.

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