What is the half-life of the isotope shown on the graph thorium-234 decay?

fc4 309 a2c a05 b72 ccc 985 593 501 cbf c6f 774 551 0a0 6c6 0d8 20c ed2 503 dcc 04c ced c3b 31d b54 45d 5b0 531 178 e64 640 3e4 59c 18c 2c5 991 47f e96 6fa c94 e39 fb6 976 d80 70f 471 df5 179 500 675 5c2 e56 10b 9e8 30e b1b 0e0 88a 9e3 b94 f2e bde 06b ea1 984 266 fd6 5c7 e1d ddd 682 61e de0 de2 90f 908 3c6 7ab f53 419 95f d32 a5a 668 9e2 d49 d47 55c 1a2 ef2 da6 a80 2bd d1e 1a3 e22 fa5 862 892 0d4

In your case, you know that thorium-234 has a half-life of 24 days. That means that every 24 days, half of the atoms of thorium you have in your sample will decay.02-Dec-2015

What is the half-life of thorium-234?

24.1 days Thorium-234 (half-life = 24.1 days) was first measured in the oceans in the late 1960's by Bhat et al.

How do you find the half-life of an isotope from a graph?

0:452:48Determining half life from a half life graph – YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipGo down to half of it which would be 20 and go back until I touch the graph again and again theMoreGo down to half of it which would be 20 and go back until I touch the graph again and again the length of this horizontal. Line is my half-life in this case I'm going from 6 to 12 days.

How do you calculate the half-life of thorium?

2:055:52Nuclear Half Life: Intro and Explanation – YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe half-life is 24 days so half-life is the time that it takes for 1/2 of a certain amount ofMoreThe half-life is 24 days so half-life is the time that it takes for 1/2 of a certain amount of thorium to decay to turn into proact inium to disappear.

How do you calculate half-life decay?

The time required for half of the original population of radioactive atoms to decay is called the half-life. The relationship between the half-life, T1/2, and the decay constant is given by T1/2 = 0.693/λ.

When an atom of thorium-234 is transmuted into an atom of protactinium-234 what type of decay has occurred?

beta decay The atomic number in the process has been increased by one since the new nucleus has one more proton than the original nucleus. In this beta decay, a thorium-234 nucleus has one more proton than the original nucleus. In this beta decay, a thorium-234 nucleus has become a protactinium-234 nucleus.

What is the half-life of thorium 233?

approximately 21.83 minutes When a nucleus of thorium-232 absorbs, or “captures,” a neutron, it becomes thorium-233, whose half-life is approximately 21.83 minutes. After that time the nuclide decays through electron emission to protactinium-233, whose half-life is 26.967 days.

How do you calculate half-life GCSE?

3:084:23GCSE Science Revision Physics “Half Life” – YouTubeYouTube

What is the half-life of isotopes?

The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the amount of time it takes for one-half of the radioactive isotope to decay. The half-life of a specific radioactive isotope is constant; it is unaffected by conditions and is independent of the initial amount of that isotope.

What does half-life mean in isotopes?

Radioactive half-life is the time required for a quantity of a radioisotope to decay by half. If the half-life of an isotope is relatively short, e.g. a few hours, most of the radioactivity will be gone in a few days.

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