What process produces gamma rays?

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How are gamma rays produced? Gamma rays are produced during the disintegration of radioactive atomic nuclei and the decay of certain subatomic particles. Gamma rays are also produced through the process of pair annihilation, in which an electron and its antiparticle, a positron, vanish and two photons are created.How are gamma rays produced? Gamma rays are produced during the disintegration of radioactive atomic nuclei and the decay of certain subatomic particles. Gamma rays are also produced through the process of pair annihilation, in which an electron and its antiparticle, a positron, vanish and two photons are created.

What types of processes can emit gamma rays?

Gamma rays are produced primarily by four different nuclear reactions: fusion, fission, alpha decay and gamma decay. Nuclear fusion is the reaction that powers the sun and stars.

How gamma rays are produced?

Gamma rays originate from the settling process of an excited nucleus of a radionuclide after it undergoes radioactive decay whereas X-rays are produced when electrons strike a target or when electrons rearrange within an atom.

What is the source of gamma rays?

Natural sources of gamma rays on Earth include gamma decay from naturally occurring radioisotopes such as potassium-40, and also as a secondary radiation from various atmospheric interactions with cosmic ray particles.

What types of processes can emit gamma rays quizlet?

What types of processes can emit gamma-rays? Gamma rays are produced during incredibly energetic events, such as near-lightspeed collisions of particles. Matter is converted into energy during matter-antimatter collisions.

How are gamma rays produced GCSE?

Gamma rays are produced by changes in the nucleus of an atom. They are a form of nuclear radiation. High energy waves such as x-rays and gamma rays are transmitted through body tissues with very little absorption. This makes them ideal for internal imaging.

How are gamma rays produced BBC Bitesize?

Gamma rays are produced by changes in the nucleus of an atom. They are a form of nuclear radiation. High energy waves such as X-rays and gamma rays are transmitted through body tissues with very little absorption. This makes them ideal for internal imaging.

Does the sun produce gamma rays?

Our Sun emits light at progressively shorter wavelengths, too: the ultraviolet, X-ray, and even gamma-ray parts of the spectrum. But most of the Sun's light is in the infrared, visible, and ultraviolet parts of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What is Higgs boson quizlet?

The Higgs Boson is like a person who calls someone at the party and starts the rumour that a famous person is coming. It causes a clump of people (mass) to appear.

Which telescope discovered these bubbles quizlet?

The disk of whirling gas at right was discovered at the center of the giant elliptical galaxy M87 with the Hubble Space Telescope.

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