What’s the difference between electromagnetic radiation and particles?

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What is the difference between electromagnetic radiation and particle radiation?

Physical Forms of Radiation Familiar types of electromagnetic radiation include sunlight (cosmic radiation), x-rays, radar, and radio waves. The other form of radiation — known as particle radiation — is tiny fast-moving particles that have both energy and mass (weight).

What is the difference between radiation and particles?

Radiation is defined as energy that travels through space or matter in the form of a particle or wave. … Particulate radiation consists of particles that have mass and energy, and may or may not have an electric charge. Examples of particulate radiation include alpha particles, protons, beta particles, and neutrons.

Is electromagnetic radiation a particle?

Although electromagnetic radiation is conventionally described as waves of energy, quantum physics tells us that it is equally valid to describe the radiation as particle-like packets of energy called photons.

Why electromagnetic radiation is a particle?

The theory is often called the wave-particle theory. It explains how electromagnetic radiation can behave as both a wave and a particle. Einstein argued that when an electron returns to a lower energy level and gives off electromagnetic energy, the energy is released as a discrete “packet” of energy.

What radiation is not made of particles?

Gamma radiation Gamma radiation, unlike alpha or beta, does not consist of any particles, instead consisting of a photon of energy being emitted from an unstable nucleus.

What are the particles of radiation?

Particle radiation is made up of any subatomic particles, such as protons, neutrons, and high-speed electrons, capable of causing ionization. Alpha and beta particles are two of the more common types of particle radiation. They come from the nuclei of radioactive atoms through radioactive decay.

What do you mean by electromagnetic radiation?

In physics, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) consists of waves of the electromagnetic (EM) field, propagating through space, carrying electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.

What is electromagnetic radiation in simple words?

electromagnetic radiation, in classical physics, the flow of energy at the universal speed of light through free space or through a material medium in the form of the electric and magnetic fields that make up electromagnetic waves such as radio waves, visible light, and gamma rays.

Is all radiation light?

In fact visible 'light' is a form of radiation, which can be defined as an energy that travels in the form of electromagnetic waves. It can also be described as a flow of particle-like 'wave-packets', called photons, that travel constantly at the speed of light (about 300 000 kilometres per second).

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