What should I do before breast cancer surgery?

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How do I prepare for breast cancer surgery?

Preparing for surgery

  1. blood tests to check your general health and how well your kidneys and liver are working.
  2. an ECG to check that your heart is healthy.
  3. breathing tests (called lung function tests)
  4. an echocardiogram (a painless test of your heart using sound waves)
  5. a chest x-ray to check that your lungs are healthy.

How do I prepare for breast surgery?

How should I prepare for breast reduction surgery?

  1. Get lab testing or a medical evaluation.
  2. Take certain medications or adjust your current medications.
  3. Get a baseline mammogram before surgery and another one after surgery to help detect any future changes in your breast tissue.

What tests are done before breast cancer surgery?

Preparing for Surgery Your surgeon may order blood tests, a chest x-ray, an electrocardiogram, or other exams. Your doctor will also conduct a physical examination to measure you baseline health. This is a good time to ask them any questions you may have about your surgery.

Can breast cancer spread while waiting for surgery?

But whether those short-term delays can allow a woman's tumor to progress has not been clear. In the new study, researchers found that of 818 women treated at their center, there was no evidence that a “modest” delay before surgery gave breast tumors time to grow and spread.

Can I eat before breast cancer surgery?

Diet: Follow your normal diet. On the day of surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before. This includes gum and cough drops and you cannot smoke.

What do I need at home after a mastectomy?

Most Important Items to Have Post-Mastectomy

  1. Drain lanyard for shower – Once surgery is completed, you will most likely have drains that are coming out of your body and being held in place with stitches. …
  2. Mastectomy pillow – THIS WAS MY FAVORITE ITEM! …
  3. Shower seat – I had no idea how weak I would be after surgery.

Can you brush your teeth before breast surgery?

Do not apply any body lotion or antiperspirant. You can brush your teeth, but do not drink any water (with the exception of small sips of water with medications). Do not take any diabetic medication. Do take your blood pressure medication if you are prescribed any.

How do you wash your hair after a breast reduction?

Wash your hair with your regular shampoo. We strongly recommend doing so, as you will not be able to shampoo your own hair for a couple of days after surgery. Use a soft, clean washcloth to clean your skin from head to toe. Dry yourself off with a clean towel when your shower is complete.

How soon after diagnosis of breast cancer is surgery?

Overall, the optional time for surgery after diagnosis is less than 90 days. Lumpectomy, mastectomy and lymph node removal are three common surgical procedures to treat breast cancer.

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