What stops the Sun from collapsing under its own gravity?

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What keeps the Sun from collapsing under its own gravity? Hydro static Equilibrium (Gravitational): The outward push of gas pressure balances the inward pull of gravity. -Keeps the sun's core hot and dense enough to release energy through nuclear fusion. You just studied 18 terms!

What prevents the Sun from collapsing under its own gravity?

Nuclear fusion keeps the sun and other stars from collapsing under their own gravity.

How does gravity stop the Sun from blowing away?

In the case of our sun, hydrogen atoms undergo fusion and produce helium in the core. Huge amounts of energy are given out as heat, and in turn produces pressure outwards. This pressure counteracts the inward pull of gravity, and the forces are balanced.

What forces keep the Sun stable?

The Sun is a stable object because there is a balance of two forces that are equal. The explosive force is that associated with nuclear reaction in its interior where by Hydrogen is transformed to Helium plus some energy. This is thermal pressure making the reaction products want to disperse (explosion).

What stops the Sun from collapsing under the force of its own gravity quizlet?

What keeps the Sun from collapsing under its own gravity? Hydro static Equilibrium (Gravitational): The outward push of gas pressure balances the inward pull of gravity. -Keeps the sun's core hot and dense enough to release energy through nuclear fusion. You just studied 18 terms!

What keeps the inward force of gravity from crushing the Sun?

What has kept the Sun from collapsing? As it turns out, the Sun is kept stable by its internal pressure. Just as pressure increases as you dive deeper and deeper into the Earth's oceans, so pressure increases as you dive deeper and deeper into the Sun.

Can the earth lose gravity?

Over the next few billion years, Earth's gravity will change by tiny amounts because of several events. As the sun expands, the oceans will boil off into space, reducing the planet's mass and therefore cutting the force of its gravity. But Earth's core will also cool, so the planet will experience thermal contraction.

What two forces keep a balance in the Sun?

Hydrostatic Equilibrium, a balance between pressure and gravity. Inward force of gravity is equal to the outward force of pressure created by fusion.

What is the main energy source that keeps the Sun shining?

nuclear fusion reaction Explanation: The source of the energy in the sun is nuclear fusion reaction in which the hydrogen nuclei (single protons) fuses into helium nuclei (two protons and two neutrons).

What force balances the Sun’s gravity quizlet?

The structure of the Sun is a matter of balance between the pressure outward and the force of gravity inward: this balance is known as hydrostatic equilibrium. The pressure results from energy finding its way to the surface of the Sun from deep in its interior.

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