What to say if you fail a drug test?

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What can I say if I fail a drug test?

Common excuses for failing a drug test

  • It must have been something I ate.
  • I kissed my boyfriend after he smoked a joint.
  • My dentist gave me something strong for a sore tooth.
  • I ate a lot of poppy seed muffins for breakfast.
  • I failed because of second-hand marijuana smoke.

What happens when you fail a drug test?

If they fail a drug test, they may be referred for treatment, suspended, or removed from the job. However, the private sector and public employers (with 25 or more employees) must “reasonably accommodate” employees who want to seek drug or alcohol abuse treatment.

How do you fight a positive drug test?

4 Ways to Dispute a False Positive Drug Test While On Probation

  1. Ask for a repeat test as soon as possible. …
  2. Reveal the substances you have been taking that might have caused inaccurate result. …
  3. Request a more advanced method of testing for verification. …
  4. Get assistance from your union or a private attorney.

Feb 6, 2564 BE

Do employers call you back after drug test?

Following a negative result: If your test results are negative for drugs, it is common for a medical review officer (MRO) to contact your employer with the results. Your employer will then typically contact you regarding next steps of the hiring process.

What happens if a drug test comes back positive?

If the test results in a positive reading, meaning there is drug residue in the body, the results are forwarded to a medical review officer, who reviews the results and looks for any possible valid medical explanation for the results.

Can you retest if you fail a drug test?

While you have the right to request a retest at your own expense when you fail a pre-employment drug test at your own expense as described above, you do not have a right to retake a pre-employment drug test. Instead, if you dispute the results, your original sample will be retested.

What happens if you fail a drug test for a job interview?

In many cases, job candidates who fail drug tests and who lack legitimate prescriptions will simply be told that they've failed and that they're no longer eligible for the employment opportunity. They may be able to reapply at the company after six months or a year, French says.

How long does it take to get a negative drug test?

2-3 days Negative results, therefore, are generally available within 2-3 days, while positive test results may take up to a week to confirm. Though it may take slightly longer than urine tests, hair tests have the advantage of being able to detect drug use from many months before the specimen was collected.

Can I fight a positive drug test?

Many commonly used substances can trigger a false-positive test result. If you're certain that the result is false, immediately take action and dispute false-positive results.

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