What type of cells are most sensitive to radiation damage?

c06 208 f2f b91 c3a d9e 1d7 028 3ea 945 e64 b10 3a8 7bb 2f2 95a 7fc 3e4 499 71a a37 aaf ca6 c75 140 94d 2c0 e7c ae6 d75 09c a87 e30 0f4 f0e 20e caf 57c 749 e1c 931 c17 61b b5a 709 fd7 3a6 a4a bc2 fc8 fc8 6f1 d9e 9a1 c24 24d 552 62c 47f 206 a73 fb3 61c 0fd f2e 155 0bb 49e 6f4 6a3 78c 307 1d1 bea c25 cbe 081 7af f16 c5e b30 dde 23d 66b 4f7 6d9 a72 65f 609 e0b f55 98c 578 b29 6c4 b75 03a 50c a74 023

Lymphocytes (white blood cells) and cells which produce blood are constantly regenerating, and are, therefore, the most sensitive. Reproductive and gastrointestinal cells are not regenerating as quickly and are less sensitive.

What types of cells are most sensitive to radiation damage quizlet?

Which of the following types of blood cells is the most sensitive to radiation? Lymphocytes are white or colorless blood cells derived from lymphatic tissues. Because of their rapid cell division they are more susceptible to the affects of radiation.

What cells does radiation damage?

They have very high levels of chemical reactivity, and therefore generate indiscriminate chemical reactions. Radiation and electrons bombarded by radiation move haphazardly inside the cell, resulting in damage to the various molecules forming the cell. Chromosomal DNA inside the cell nucleus can also be damaged.

What are the most radiosensitive cells in the body quizlet?

Terms in this set (22)

  • caused by irradiation of bone marrow.
  • lymphocytes are the most radiosensitive blood cells in the body.
  • stem cells in bone marrow are especially radiosensitive.

Which statement is true about cell sensitivity to radiation exposure?

Which statement is true about cell sensitivity to radiation exposure? Cells that divide and multiply rapidly are more sensitive than those that replicate slowly.

What organs are most sensitive to radiation?

Radiation in high doses can be dangerous no matter what, but some parts of the body are more sensitive than others. The most sensitive parts of the human body are the lymphoid organs, bone marrow, blood, testes, ovaries and intestines, according to the Collaboration for Nondestructive Testing[1].

What critical organs are sensitive to radiation?

The reason for such studies is the existence of sensitive organs such as bone marrow, thyroid gland, salivary glands, brain and eye lenses close to radiation field.

What cells are sensitive to radiation?

Lymphocytes (white blood cells) and cells which produce blood are constantly regenerating, and are, therefore, the most sensitive. Reproductive and gastrointestinal cells are not regenerating as quickly and are less sensitive. The nerve and muscle cells are the slowest to regenerate and are the least sensitive cells.

Which of the following tissues are most radiosensitive?

From these discussions we can conclude that Bone marrow is the most radiosensitive tissue of the body.

Which organ is least sensitive to radiation?

Amongst the body cells, the most sensitive are spermatogonia and erythroblasts, epidermal stem cells, gastrointestinal stem cells. The least sensitive are nerve cells and muscle fibers. Very sensitive cells are also oocytes and lymphocytes, although they are resting cells and do not meet the criteria described above.

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