Where does dark matter come from?

d47 9eb 9fb 45c f23 073 fe4 542 aa7 83f 3d7 ddd d0b fe1 a84 f2c eaa 324 f7e a8b 9dd b65 a92 24b 7b5 20a 7b0 79a baa d9b aa3 36f 99f 34d c59 6ab 711 b0f 9dc c9d a1a 1da 9ba 576 9f4 41d bf9 a3e 5d0 cc4 504 730 7b0 ab3 b2e b06 95c 728 4d3 019 32d c2d 127 5b9 52c dd1 ed2 507 529 b01 0c5 167 445 d50 4f7 45e a40 62f c65 47c 16c 3fe ece 9d4 d22 b15 59a 183 26b b0c 7ef 4a0 844 760 11b b69 58b 526 658 c2f

The first variety is about 4.5 percent of the universe and is made of the familiar baryons (i.e., protons, neutrons, and atomic nuclei), which also make up the luminous stars and galaxies. Most of this baryonic dark matter is expected to exist in the form of gas in and between the galaxies.

How is dark matter created?

The phenomenon is called gravitational lensing. By studying how light is distorted by galaxy clusters, astronomers have been able to create a map of dark matter in the universe. A vast majority of the astronomical community today accepts that dark matter exists.

What is dark matter and where did it come from?

Dark matter can refer to any substance which interacts predominantly via gravity with visible matter (e.g., stars and planets). Hence in principle it need not be composed of a new type of fundamental particle but could, at least in part, be made up of standard baryonic matter, such as protons or neutrons.

When did dark matter form?

Although the first evidence for dark matter was discovered in the 1930s, it was in the early 1980s that astronomers became convinced that most of the mass holding galaxies and clusters of galaxies together is invisible.

Is there dark matter on Earth?

Dark matter is five times as abundant as normal matter in the universe. But it continues to be an enigma because it is invisible and nearly always passes right through normal matter.

Can dark matter give you superpowers?

User can to create or wield weaponry with power over dark matter, which grants the user a wide variety of dark matter-based abilities, including generation, transmutation, and creation of constructs, along with volatile abilities involving normal universal matter or antimatter.

Can you touch dark matter?

When we look out into the universe, we don't know what we're looking at for the most part. In fact, we can't even see most of what we're looking at – that's because the majority of the universe is made up of mysterious, practically invisible dark matter.

Can a wormhole exist?

Einstein's theory of general relativity mathematically predicts the existence of wormholes, but none have been discovered to date. A negative mass wormhole might be spotted by the way its gravity affects light that passes by.

Who discovered dark matter?

astronomer Fritz Zwicky Dark matter's existence was first inferred by Swiss American astronomer Fritz Zwicky, who in 1933 discovered that the mass of all the stars in the Coma cluster of galaxies provided only about 1 percent of the mass needed to keep the galaxies from escaping the cluster's gravitational pull.

How fast is the speed of dark?

Darkness travels at the speed of light. More accurately, darkness does not exist by itself as a unique physical entity, but is simply the absence of light. Any time you block out most of the light – for instance, by cupping your hands together – you get darkness.

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