Why are alpha particles deviated?

29d 9ae 7f7 001 7cc 579 142 6c4 6c6 e4c b57 57d e45 b93 4df 6be 31b 830 69a 701 16c f5e 9c1 726 e00 804 dbb 5d3 843 655 d0d 99c aeb fe4 d8f 44a 12d 86b a3c 13b c76 dc1 455 f33 fe0 632 63d b62 b2c 3d3 b3f 629 ce8 dbf a00 4df 40f 3c0 fef 387 19b 4ed a72 757 6e8 b06 030 31d ffa 43c 6d0 360 915 e54 8c3 eb1 18d 184 59e 971 768 bad 82f 8b9 280 302 6e5 824 76b 3bc 003 3de 7de b24 a2c cfe 0e8 f62 15c f44

The atom being mostly empty space. A small number of alpha particles were deflected by large angles (> 4°) as they passed through the foil. There is a concentration of positive charge in the atom. Like charges repel, so the positive alpha particles were being repelled by positive charges.

Why does the alpha particle change direction?

A tiny number of alpha particles, traveling at 10% of the speed of light, hit a dense atomic center right in its middle. The collision and the repulsion cause the alpha particle to "bounce" backwards and move on a very different path. These are the reflected rays.

Why are most alpha particles not deflected?

Alpha particles are a form of nuclear radiation with a positive charge. The vacuum is important because any deflection of the alpha particles would only be because of collisions with the gold foil and not due to deflections off anything else.

Why did few alpha particles deflected through small angles?

b) some of the Alpha particles are deflected through small angle because there is a centre of positive charge in the atom which repels the positively charged Alpha particles and deflect them from the original path.

Why did some alpha particles bounce back?

Most of the alpha particles passed straight through, but some of the alpha particles bounced back because positive particles (protons) in the nucleus repelled them. Positive and positive always repel each other.

Why are the paths of the alpha particles different in each model?

Originally Rutherford thought that the particles would fly straight through the foil. However, he found that the particles path would be shifted or deflected when passing through the foil. This is due to the fact that like charges repel each other.

What did Rutherford conclude from the alpha particle scattering experiment?

From the α-particle scattering experiment, Rutherford concluded that. α-particles can come within a distance of the order of 10−15m of the nucleus. The radius of the nucleus is of the order of 10−15m. Scattering follows Coulomb's law.

Why did many alpha particles pass through the gold foil undeflected Class 9?

Answer: a) since most of the space of an atom is empty, many particles pass throgh undeflected.

Why did few α-particles after striking the gold foil retrace their path?

THE reason for only a few alpha particle retracing out their path , it uncovers the distribution of protons in the atom, when RUTHERFOLD passed out alpha particle through gold foil , most of them passes our , little passed out with little deviation while some , those particle striked at the centre , got back, it …

Why do alpha particles go straight through gold foil?

The observation that most alpha particles passed straight through the gold foil led Rutherford to conclude that the positive charge in an atom is concentrated in a very small area that is called nucleus. Atoms have mostly empty space.

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