Why conduction does not take place in liquids?

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It is because of property of fluids (liquid and gases) that molecules are loosely packed and physically move around in the medium to transfer energy (heat) this is convection wherein solids molecules are tightly packed and they can only vibrate at a their place and can't move like fluids therefore they transfer energy …17-Jun-2020

Can conduction takes place in liquids?

Conduction occurs more readily in solids and liquids, where the particles are closer together than in gases, where particles are further apart.

Why does conduction happen in solids but not in liquids and gases?

Conduction takes place in solids, liquids and gases, but works best in solids as their atoms/molecules are located closer together. Metals are the best solids for conducting heat. Metals have tightly packed atoms which can easily pass on their kinetic energy and also have free moving electrons.

Why does conduction only occur in solids?

In conduction, the molecules vibrate and hit each other to transfer the heat energy between them. The molecules need not to travel from one end to other. Therefore, it is only possible in solids in which the molecules do not move but vibrate on heating.

Why does transfer of heat not take place by conduction in fluids?

In conduction, when heat is supplied molecules vibrate and heat is transferred in the body due to the collisions between the molecules. In fluids, intermolecular distance is quite large and hence collisions of molecules are reduced. Due to this, heat transfer by conduction is reduced.

Why does convection only occur in liquids and gases?

Convection only happens with fluids, materials that can flow. Liquids can flow (think of water) and gases can flow (think of wind). Solids are stuck in place so they can't flow and since they can't flow, there is no convection.

How conduction happen in solid liquid and gases?

Conduction is the transfer of heat energy that occurs between two objects that are touching. Thus, conduction occurs between the particles of solids, liquids, and gases that collide into one another. During conduction, heat will always transfer from the hotter to the colder object.

Why does conduction happen in liquids and gases?

Conduction in Gases and Liquids Because the molecules of fluids have a greater freedom of motion than in solids, there is less of a chance that vibrating molecules will collide with another and transfer energy throughout the fluid.

Why is conduction least effective or slowest in gases when compared to solids and liquids?

Fluids and gases are less conductive than solids. This is due to the large distance between atoms in a fluid or (especially) a gas: fewer collisions between atoms means less conduction.

Does conduction only take place in solids?

Conduction is the transfer of heat without the actual motion of molecules and it takes place only in solids.

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