Why do we send gamma waves into our food?

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The gamma radiation used is much like the microwaves used for cooking: It is pure energy. As such, it cannot leave any residue in food, unlike the chemical treatments it would replace. The radiation does cause chemical changes in food, however. For instance, it can tenderize tough meat.Oct 19, 1983

Why is gamma used for food?

Gamma radiation is used routinely to sterilize medical, dental, and household products and is also used for the radiation treatment of cancer. X-rays are produced by reflecting a high-energy stream of electrons off a target substance (usually one of the heavy metals) into food.

Why is gamma ray used in food processing?

Food irradiation is a form of food processing that can extend shelf life and reduce spoilage. Foods are exposed to radiation to kill insects, moulds and micro-organisms, but no detectable levels of radiation are left behind in the food.

Is gamma radiation used in food?

Currently, food irradiators use one of three kinds of radiation: gamma rays (from cobalt-60 sources), electron beams, or x-rays. All three methods work the same way. Bulk or packaged food passes through a radiation chamber on a conveyor belt.

Why do we irradiate food?

Food is irradiated to make it safer and more resistant to spoilage. Irradiation destroys insects, fungi that cause food to spoil, or bacteria that cause food borne illness. Irradiation makes it possible to keep food longer and in better condition.

How does gamma radiation help in food preservation?

The FDA allows exposure of up to 100,000 rads for already approved foods. At this level, gamma rays penetrate the food and kill bacteria and other infectious organisms by preventing the organisms from dividing and growing.

How does gamma radiation Sterilise food?

When food is irradiated, it absorbs energy. This absorbed energy kills the bacteria that can cause food poisoning in a similar way that heat energy kills bacteria when food is cooked.

How is gamma radiation used to prolong the shelf life of baked food?

When food is irradiated, most of the radiation passes through the food without being absorbed. The small amount that is absorbed destroys any insects on grains,produce or spices, extends shelf life, and prevents fruits and vegetables from ripening too fast.

How are gamma rays used to sterilize food?

Gamma irradiation is a physical/chemical means of sterilization, because it kills bacteria by breaking down bacterial DNA, inhibiting bacterial division. Energy of gamma rays passes through the equipment, disrupting the pathogens that cause contamination.

How is radiation used in food preservation?

To preserve food with radiation, the item is exposed to to gamma rays (which are similar to X-rays) emitted by radioactive materials. The radiation destroys food-borne bacteria. Radiation is measured in units called rads. The FDA allows exposure of up to 100,000 rads for already approved foods.

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