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How often do your instruments need to be calibrated? Some Geiger counters, especially older designs, require regular calibration to ensure that their readings are accurate. Our instruments incorporate innovative modern design techniques and high-quality components.
Why is it important to calibrate a Geiger counter?
The point of a geiger counter calibration is for confirming the correct detector response and linearity at high and low counts rates. At much higher count rates, the dead time of your detector circuitry comes into effect and the result has to be compensated for counts that are missed.
Do Geiger counters need calibration?
Geiger counters are required to be calibrated once every year. You can determine when your gieger counter was last calibrated by checking the calibration sticker attached to it. If it has not been calibrated within the last year, you should bring the geiger counter up to Environmental Health and Safety for calibration.
How often are Geiger counters used in research labs required to be calibrated?
You must have all radiation detection meters calibrated annually. Health Physics inventories all meters and ensures that they are picked up when due for calibration. If your meter is overdue for calibration, please call (650) 723-3201.
What is the purpose of a Geiger counter?
A Geiger counter — named after Hans Geiger, a German scientist from the early 1900s who worked on detecting radiation — is an instrument that can detect radiation.
What are sources used for instrument checking and calibration radiation?
Instrument calibrations are performed using ANSI N323A and radiation sources certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or traceable to the NIST.
How do you test a geiger counter?
Simply place your radiation detection instrument (or its probe) on the rear of the card and you will instantly know if your Geiger counter is operating. The Geiger Counter Test Sample provides low-level Gamma & Beta radiation which is easily picked up by common radiation detectors.
Why are Geiger counters not used in radiography?
Our Geiger counters detect x-rays, but may not be accurate in measuring the dose rate. This is because an x-ray is usually a short concentrated burst of radiation.
Are Geiger counters accurate?
While many Geiger counter manufacturers claim high accuracy for their Geiger counter, it simply is not true. It is not enough to say an instrument is calibrated, or has an accuracy of 1%, 5%, 10%, or 20% because without a legitimate standard calibration reference, a claim of accuracy is meaningless.
Why do Geiger counters crackle?
When the tube is connected to a speaker, that current causes a rapid, jerking movement of the speaker components—which is that crackling or popping noise. While the electrons move toward the middle, the positive gas ions head the other way.