Why is the sun’s radiation in short wavelength?

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The sun emits shortwave radiation because it is extremely hot and has a lot of energy to give off. Once in the Earth's atmosphere, clouds and the surface absorb the solar energy. The ground heats up and re-emits energy as longwave radiation in the form of infrared rays.

What is short wavelength from sun?

Ordinarily, sunlight is broken down into three major components: (1) visible light, with wavelengths between 0.4 and 0.8 micrometre, (2) ultraviolet light, with wavelengths shorter than 0.4 micrometre, and (3) infrared radiation, with wavelengths longer than 0.8 micrometre.

What is the wavelength of the sun’s radiation?

The electromagnetic waves emitted by the sun are of a broad spectrum ranging from X-rays with a wavelength of 2 nanometers to radio waves with a wavelength of 10 meters.

Why does earth radiate longer wavelength than the sun?

The Earth radiates energy at wavelengths much longer than the Sun because it is colder. Part of this longwave radiation is absorbed by greenhouse gases which then radiate energy into all directions, including downwards and thereby trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Is radiation from the sun short or longwave?

Shortwave radiation from the sun. Shortwave radiation reflected back to space by clouds. Shortwave radiation reflected to space by the earth's surface. Longwave radiation from the atmosphere into space.

Why do shorter wavelengths reflect more?

As the wavelength of light decreases, the amount of refraction increases. Shorter light wavelengths (such as violet and blue) are slowed down more and hence have more bending than the longer wavelengths (such as orange and red).

What is the shortest wavelength?

Gamma rays Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and the highest energy among the other waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. The wavelength of the gamma rays is less than 0.01 nanometers. Most of the gamma rays from space are blocked by the Earth's atmosphere.

Which type of radiation has a shorter wavelength and therefore a higher energy level?

Gamma rays Gamma rays have the highest energies, the shortest wavelengths, and the highest frequencies.

Which of the following has the shortest wavelength?

Gamma rays Gamma rays have the shortest wavelength and radio waves have the longest wavelength.

Are the wavelengths of radiation emitted by Earth longer than shorter than or about the same as those emitted by the Sun?

Because the Earth is absorbing only a tiny fraction of the sun's energy, it remains cooler than the sun, and therefore emits much less radiation. Most of this emitted radiation is at longer wavelengths than solar radiation.

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